Embodied Monologues Symposium Department of Music and South Campus, Maynooth University, 31 March 2017  In recent years, the emergence of practice-based and performance-led research has generated knowledge derived from embodied practices, which have done much to expand the epistemic fields centred on the body and its place in philosophy and aesthetics. Until now, however, solo […]

Our ‘En-Gendering Monodrama’ production of La Voix humaine returns to Maynooth University after its successful premiere last July. The performance will be held in Riverstown Hall, South Campus as part of the university lunchtime concert series, and will begin at 1:10 pm.   Open to staff and students, the event will collect donations in support of the next productions […]

I am happy to be launching today my Embodied Monologues Research Series hosted by Maynooth University and taking place in different institutions across Ireland. Embodied Monologues seeks to generate responses and challenges to the idea of solo or ‘mono’ performance. What, it asks, is the role of the intertextual, the multimedial, the intercorporeal in this mode […]

I am about to set off to the UK, where I will be undertaking my IRC funded training at the Urban Research Centre with my colleague Ben Spatz. I will spend 10 days working on performer-centered theater methods, and devising ways to apply that experience and knowledge to my own embodied research on monodrama. During […]

After almost a whole year planning and preparation, Monodrama I, the first work object of my artistic project, was finally performed in Bath Spa University, and produced by Bath Spa Live. Monodrama I was part of the soirée New Vocalities, dedicated to the work of great avant-garde singer Cathy Berberian. The production was possible thanks to support […]

It was a real pleasure for me to open Stephen Davies‘ exhibition “Inhale/Exhale” at the Art Café in Winchester. The exhibition by the New Zealand artist featured beautiful paintings by the theme of inhalation and nature, and the venue provided a suggestive and cozy atmosphere for my performance. I came up with a programme of songs by a theme that could evoke […]

My recital of American songs was included in the programme of “Music in the City 2012“. The event, Music in the City, was set up by a small group of people who want to make more of the music in Southampton. The project aimed to: º Help music in Southampton get the recognition it deserves; º […]

The Early Music Ensemble, coordinated by our very Liz Kenny and Erin Headley, performed a recital of French song for soprano, flute and harpsichord. Long afternoons of rehearsals between our PhD activities allowed us to put together this very challenging programme, which explored ways and styles of the French baroque repertoire. Looking  back at it, it was […]