Our award winning short-film was premiered at Culture Night 2017, at the IRC showcase taking place at the Boston College, in St. Stephen’s Green. The screening was introduced by a talk offered by me and Shane, where we presented artistic processes leading to the making of our 11.57-minute long film: here are some pictures from […]

Embodied Monologues Symposium Department of Music and South Campus, Maynooth University, 31 March 2017  In recent years, the emergence of practice-based and performance-led research has generated knowledge derived from embodied practices, which have done much to expand the epistemic fields centred on the body and its place in philosophy and aesthetics. Until now, however, solo […]

It was a long sunny and icy afternoon in Dublin. Our film-maker Rory took me to Dublin, where we spent 8 hours shooting outdoor for our short-film Neither (I nor Not I) based on Neither by Feldman and Beckett. Getting the light right and time-lapsing was Rory’s main goal. Here are few stills from our […]

Our ‘En-Gendering Monodrama’ production of La Voix humaine returns to Maynooth University after its successful premiere last July. The performance will be held in Riverstown Hall, South Campus as part of the university lunchtime concert series, and will begin at 1:10 pm.   Open to staff and students, the event will collect donations in support of the next productions […]

En-Gendering Monodrama: Training days at The Centre for Psychophysical Performance Research, University of Huddersfield. 5-day intensive training with Dr Ben Spatz and Ilona Krawczyk. Day 1, 10 January 2017 On the first day, we started our session with breathing exercises, and we went through some basics to explore positions of stillness. I contemplated that even […]

I am delighted to announce that my Embodied Monologues Research Series has received the support of the Society for Musicology in Ireland, and of the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy at Maynooth University (MU).  The Embodied Monologues Symposium, to be held on March 31 at Maynooth University, will count on the institutional support […]

I am happy to be launching today my Embodied Monologues Research Series hosted by Maynooth University and taking place in different institutions across Ireland. Embodied Monologues seeks to generate responses and challenges to the idea of solo or ‘mono’ performance. What, it asks, is the role of the intertextual, the multimedial, the intercorporeal in this mode […]

My week training at the Centre for Psychophysical Performance Research started as usual with a train to the airport, and a coffee at the gate. I left Switzerland and flew into Manchester, directed to Huddersfield University on the 16th of April, and met with Ben Spatz the following Monday. We shared mutual ideas and expectations about […]