My research report on the artistic work on musical monodrama I did in 2013-14 was published by online journal Music + Practice, issue 2, October 2015. The article, entitled ‘Female Epiphanies in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Monodrama: Experimental Study and Artistic Production’ was submitted two year ago, therefore is a little out of date. Here is a […]

After almost a whole year planning and preparation, Monodrama I, the first work object of my artistic project, was finally performed in Bath Spa University, and produced by Bath Spa Live. Monodrama I was part of the soirée New Vocalities, dedicated to the work of great avant-garde singer Cathy Berberian. The production was possible thanks to support […]

Douglas and I performed  Lecture Recital during the Biennial International Conference “Music Since 1900” at Liverpool Hope University. Our lecture recital was the result of many months of work on materials related to Recital I , a short snippet of which was also featured in our presentation. In particulr, I worked on the musicological background researching […]