It was a long sunny and icy afternoon in Dublin. Our film-maker Rory took me to Dublin, where we spent 8 hours shooting outdoor for our short-film Neither (I nor Not I) based on Neither by Feldman and Beckett. Getting the light right and time-lapsing was Rory’s main goal. Here are few stills from our […]

After months spent rehearsing and preparing for a studio recording of Neither, the day finally arrived. Shane identified the studio that was ideally suited to prepare the soundtrack for our opera-film inspired by Morton Feldman and Samuel Beckett’s one-woman opera Neither. Aileen, Shane and I geared up to spend what we knew would have been a draining but […]

En-Gendering Monodrama: Training days at The Centre for Psychophysical Performance Research, University of Huddersfield. 5-day intensive training with Dr Ben Spatz and Ilona Krawczyk. Day 1, 10 January 2017 On the first day, we started our session with breathing exercises, and we went through some basics to explore positions of stillness. I contemplated that even […]