La Belle Époque at Piano Eckenstein

La Belle Époque voice and piano duo’s mini Winter tour resumed at Piano Eckenstein’s, a historical landmark of Basel’s musical life.

Piano Eckenstein Music Hall
Me & the Pianos

Elitza and I had a blast performing in a beautiful hall, surrounded by a number of breathtaking pianos and evocative historical visual testimonies of the venue’s life.

Piano Eckenstein Concert Hall

Piano Eckenstein is in fact a traditional historical Music House in Basel. It is Basel’s “piano cornerstone” since 1864, when it only was a small business for piano repair and tuning.  After the Second Worl-War 1947 the company was transformed into a joint-stock company, and could buy a property near the Music Academy, where currently sits, in Leonhardsgraben 48. 

Our programme notes
Our Posters

Staff at Piano Eckenstein welcomed us and helped us with setting the stage, this time revived by our props. Our Tell me the Truth about Love, which included music by Poulenc, Britten and Gershwin received a good reception. A very friendly and dedicated audience supported our performance with warm applauses and cheers. At the end of the concert, Piano Eckenstein organised an apéro to celebrate us and our audience, and wine was served. It was a beautiful evening, and we shall thank Piano Eckenstein for their warm hospitality.

Throwback thursday
Post-concert selfie


